We provide services for businesses, large public gathering, festivals, events, concerts, street fairs and many more - any size events from hundreds to thousands.


Natural Resource Services

Public space beautification. Parks, trails and natural habitat restoration. Clearing weeds, overgrown plants, remove or reinforce old deteriorating retaining walls. Screen rocks, glass, and debris from soil.

Our natural resource crew works on:

  • Public space beautification.

  • Parks, trails ad natural habitat restoration.

  • Clearing weeds, overgrown plants, remove or reinforce old deteriorating retaining walls.

  • Screen rocks, glass, and debris from soil.

  • Fire fuel reduction

  • Habitat restoration

  • Trail construction and maintenance

  • Flood prevention

  • Invasive species removal

  • Erosion control

  • Low-water native plant landscaping

  • Carpentry

  • Energy efficiency projects

SFCC is a key partner with Rec. & Parks and the Department of Public Works in the restoration of dozens of San Francisco’s open spaces, including Buena Vista Park and Brewster Rutledge Community Garden. At Buena Vista Park trail improvements were completed by the San Francisco Conservation Corps made possible by California Prop. 84 Park Bond Funding. At the Brewster Rutledge Community Garden members cleared all planting beds of weeds and over-grown plants, removed or reinforced old deteriorating retaining walls, screened rocks, glass, and debris from soil in beds and constructed two tiers of new retaining walls.

Zero Waste Services

Collect, sort, drop off, sell recyclables such as Aluminum, steel cans, glass beverages, plastic bottles, cans, paper, cardboard and more. Collection of old and new tires with and without rims. E-Waste ( electronic waste) pick-up, collection and assisting in collecting e-waste materials such as TV’s, CRT Monitors, Flat Screens/LCDs, Laptops, Computers, Tablets, Phones, Printers, Small Home of Office Appliances and More.

Our zero waste crew works on:

  • Collect recycling on routes throughout the city

  • Sort recyclables

  • Drop off and sell recyclables

  • Educate San Francisco businesses, non-profits and special event producers and attendees about best recycling practices

We collect:

  • Aluminum and steel cans

  • Glass beverage containers

  • Plastic bottles, cans, tubs and lids (#1, #2, #4, #5)

  • Paper

  • Newspaper

  • Cardboard

The San Francisco Conservation Corps has coordinated and managed event recycling for more than fifteen years. They offer efficient, customer-friendly services to ensure that your event leaves the smallest footprint possible. Zero Waste = The Best Choice. The SFCC Zero Waste Events Team develops a plan for your event, provides recycling and compostable services, consults on waste diversion plans, monitors and provides bins, educates attendees, and takes all the recyclables and compostables away, all for one very low price. On average, Corpsmembers will divert anywhere from thousands of pounds to 10 tons of waste. In the past year, we have diverted high volumes of waste at dozens of events.

New Clients

Thank you for you interest in hiring our crews. Unfortunately SFCC is not taking any new clients at this moment.